Saturday, March 10, 2012

Rotary Meeting, March 8, 2012

The Rotary Club in Morgantown invited me to do a presentation at their meeting this Thursday, and I have to say, it was something of a learning experience.  I've presented a million times to my classmates, but getting up in front of adults intimidates me for some reason. So I spent quite a while preparing my prezi and practicing for my mom, and I think it ended up going even better for them than it did for her! Plus, everyone was so nice and welcoming, I'm not sure anyone could have felt out of place.  Though there was a part where everyone sang, and I blindly followed along, not knowing the tune... But all's well that ends well, and I feel prepared to take on any presentation they send my way! And a special thank you to Clark Reese and my mom who helped me write my presentation :)