Needless to say, my short four months here have been nothing like what I thought they'd be. I thought I would make tons of friends on the first try, I thought I'd never miss home, and I would get through my exchange the same way I got through senior year (I'll let you interpret that as you will). Never did I think that making "aquaintences" would be the best I could do after four months- and that's hard. I never realized how lucky I was to know everyone I knew for as long as I had known them. But the tears make the laughs worth it, so I'll keep going.
As you know, if you are American, this last Thursday was Thanksgiving. Usually when I'm at home, Thanksgiving isn't really a big deal. Everyone comes over for dinner, and that's it. Being here, though, I realized how lucky I am to have my family, and how lucky they are to be together. I've never had a more thankful Thanksgiving, if only for knowing that I have spent every holiday with my family for my entire life, and once I get home, I can do it again. Small things like that really make me realize how important family is.
However, I was kept distracted by the fact that my younger host sister, Olivia, turned 6 on Friday. We had guests in and out of the house the entire weekend, and despite the fact that we spent all of Saturday cleaning, I think we're headed for a mid-week cleaning day anyway. But I think Olivia had a nice time, and I got a taste of what kid parties are like for big people, which made me reconsider having lots of children when I get married. I always thought having kids was easy, but now I realize how much there is to worry about. Even I worry about how my little host sisters are getting on at school and whether they're making friends and whether they're keeping up with other kids-- and they're not even my kids. I think it'd be fair to say at this point that I'm going to be a worried mother.
In addition to having Olivia's birthday in my mind for the last couple of weeks, I've been crowded by a million different events and tasks to do. Okay, maybe not a million, but it feels like that when it's all in Finnish. About a week ago, me and the girls in my street dance class had a performance to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Viri, a program that organizes community sports around Leppävirta (I think). Anyway, I thought it went pretty well, and even if it didn't, at least it made a good memory to look back on.
(Here's an action shot!)
The weekend before that, I was in Tampere to see the Nightwish concert, and this Friday, of course, I take off for Lapland with my fellow Rotary exchange students! It's going to be so fun, I'm sure. We are having dog sled rides, hikes, skiing, and I'm sure lots of sauna, coffee, and talking- something I'm sure at least the Americans are missing at this point. I'll be sure to make another post when I come back, and I'll share lots of pictures!
Once I'm back from Lapland, it'll be a straightshot for Christmas, or Joulu, which is the half mark of my exchange. I can't believe I'm almost half way through this year. It feels like I have an entire year ahead of me still, but I'm sure the next couple of months will fly by too. Unfortunately, accompanying my halfway mark is a change in host families. I'm terribly sad to say goodbye to this family; they have been with me through what I think will be the most crucial parts of my exchange, and they have been so supporting and loving that I think I could not have found a better match. But, I have to change, and I'm sure I'll feel the same way about my next host family when I leave them too!
Also, I forgot to talk about this in my earlier posts, when it actually happened, but I completed my first mittens (hanskat)! Here's proof:
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